31st January 2024
Short messages
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Whatever you have worked for or are waiting for is coming. It’s almost here so be patient. You are going to be blessed with a new beginning (in love or career) . In love, a passionate offer coming in. For career, something creative and exciting will soon be offered to you
Short message:
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Some secrets are coming out! Something you have been hiding or someone else is hiding from you. This could be in a relationship or career. I see three people involved in this situation including you.
Short message:
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
A very close relationship is also very toxic. This could be a friendship, a partnership in work, a life partner or your family. You may feel a bit stuck and stagnant right now but you are asked to release the toxicity and move forward. You have to change your perspective to figure a way out of this toxic connection
Short message
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Something that started off small is soon going to be big. This could a relationship that started as friendship that may develop into something more or a small job/ business that is going to grow and become abundant. There is balance stability in life. You are going to be very busy socially and professionally
30th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you need to rest and prioritise yourself
- take care of your health - both physical and emotional
- someone is going to come towards you with a offer- career or romantic
- plan your next steps carefully. Think about the future implications of this offer before you make a decision
Taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- some of you are getting a offer from your boss which will be very beneficial for you monetarily
- you are in your peak energy
- yet you feel stuck and helpless at times, like a energy paralysis
- work on your self confidence
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- many options causing confusion
- you may not feel very sure of your decisions at this time
- think and be practical. Communicate clearly
- you may feel stressed and overly anxious about many things
- happy times ahead with family and loved ones
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- abundance in money
- stability in family life
- wishes coming true
- felling stuck and stagnant. Look at things from a different perspective to move forward. Let go of past beliefs
- don’t resist change. Stand up for what you believe in. Some challenges that will be easily overcome if you don’t give up
29th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
This week is about learning from your mistakes and starting over. It seems like something in your life is imbalanced - could be career or relationship. There is a lack of action and waning interest and you don’t feel as passionate about this situation or job or person anymore. You may have been very in & out with a decision but the universe is asking you walk away if something or someone doesn’t feel right to you. The good news is these are lessons you can learn from that is going to help you in the future. New beginnings are also coming
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
It is important that you listen to your intuition. Your inner voice is trying to tell you something but you’ve not been listening. Something has changed or come to an end a long time ago but you keep holding on to it and not letting go. This could be a career thing or a relationship. You have waited a long time hoping that you will be rewarded for your patience but there have been nothing but blocks and challenges. It is time to take action and accept the inevitable. Let go of what is over and move towards a new beginning. This week is the time to take action in that direction
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You may have rushed into something without thinking and are now regretting it. This could be in your career or relationship. It is like you have suddenly woken up from a dream and are seeing the reality of the situation. Although financially i see a lot of good things happening it is advised that you should make a decision or undo whatever you have done. You will be successful if you try. The good news is that there is a imbalance in your energy but at least you will have clarity on this situation and are not in la la land
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Some new beginning in a relationship or a creative project or a job is not exactly going the way you planned. You maybe feeling stuck and helpless thinking you have no choice in this matter but you always have a choice. You are asked to be firm and clear with your thoughts and expectations and have clear boundaries. Don’t let others walk over you. You may not like being harsh but sometimes you have to be blunt and cut people off if they overstep their boundaries. The good news is there is a lot of success and abundance for you provided you can recognise your worth. Don’t dim your light for anyone
27th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- don’t be deterred by challenges along the way. It’s important to communicate clearly and accurately. You may have amazing new ideas which needs to be implemented. New beginnings and new opportunities are coming towards you. Let go of the fear of failure
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
A fire sign- Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ may be significant to you in the next few days. This person is someone who may reach out to you unexpectedly and support your cause in your personal life or career. Don’t be surprised and don’t be too stubborn. Learn to compromise where you both may benefit. You may also have a financial windfall. You are called to be a leader or use your leadership skills in a situation.
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
It seems like the Universe is blessing you with everything you have been praying for. Abundance is coming your way and it will happen within the next few weeks. However there is a flip side or a word of caution ⚠️. Don’t let your ego come in the way of your blessings. Placing too much importance on materialistic things, thinking that you are the doer, arrogance etc can all be detrimental to your spiritual growth. Whatever comes to you, be grateful. Don’t get caught up with fear or worry either
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Take steps to ensure the financial security of your children or other loved ones. You could be making wise investments or planning for retirement. Spending quality time with family and honouring family traditions. Financially a good time. You will recover everything that you lost.
26th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
This message has been coming up very often for your collective. You are given or will be given a opportunity in your career or personal life. This is something you have wished for and prayed for. But for you to receive this, you have to release the negativity. This negativity maybe internal or external . Positive thoughts bring positive results.
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Your hard work is paying off. Keep going and don’t back out now. You will be blessed with abundance soon !
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
If you are struggling with something ask for help from your friends and family members. Don’t hesitate . Don’t let pride get in your way
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
This is a time to give rather than take. Be generous with your energy. Something is calling you to take a more active role in career or personal life. Do not hesitate. You are ready for this
25th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- end of a difficult cycle
- time to release past baggage
- abundance - financially & personally
- karmic justice and balance in life
- favourable judgment in a court case
- reconciliation if you are separated
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- dealing with someone who is younger than you or very childlike or immature
- receiving a message from a Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- walking away from a situation where you are not happy
- healing after an ending or from a emotional or physical issue
- being balanced in your life - not over giving or over indulging
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you maybe very guarded while dealing with a Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- if you have had issues with family or a motherly figure, things will get better soon
- you may be visiting or travelling with or to your mother/ wife/ friend soon . Either you will cross the sea or a water body to meet them or they live close to a water body
- an ending or a transformation in life. You will be feeling a bit confused about your next options.
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- an opportunity / message may come to you quickly unexpectedly . Don’t make haste but also don’t take forever to respond
- be careful of harsh words being exchanged with a virgo or your mother/ wife
- a travel opportunity may seem boring but is actually good for you
- you are going towards success but may still feel low
- you may feel conflicted about 2 choices. Plan and strategise carefully. This will impact your future. Choose wisely
24th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
The challenge for you is forward movement. Looks like you are at a crossroads wondering how to move forward in a situation. Some of you are being too meticulous in planning and strategising but when it comes to taking action, you are feeling blocked or unsure. It is time to recover from the past disappointments and failures. You are probably scared to take access because of the past. It’s ok to release recover and move forward. The time to take action is NOW
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- some of you may be feeling challenged by money issues. You could be feeling like you need to save because of some loss or overspending or unforeseen expenses . For some others this is about a emotional block which is preventing you from opening up and trusting people. This comes from a past ending that felt like a betrayal. The universe is asking you to take your time to build on the trust and communicate clearly. If something feels uncomfortable, if you feel you are not ready to open up or contribute financially, communicate your feelings/ situation clearly
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you have had a big change in your life recently or it is happening soon. There is a ending of a old way and beginning of something new. Your challenge is accepting these changes in your life and taking a leap of faith towards the new beginning. You are advised to trust your journey. Whatever is over was meant to be and whatever is going to happen is also meant to be. You will be fine as long as you go with the flow
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Your closest relationship or partnership right now feels a bit unstable. Could be too many responsibilities, busy schedules, issues in relationships etc. for singles it could be that you are not sure of what you want. The universe is asking you to wait. This is a phase that will change. Wait for the right time and you will know when the time is right
23rd January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you will learn something new from someone you respect or look up to in personal life or work. If not a particular person, this is some big lesson that is coming in from the universe.
- for some of you this lesson is changing your perspective in a drastic way
- for some , there is a end of a relationship/ contract and a new beginning
- work collaborations and community or working with other people will be in focus
- remember that you are protected by the divine
- you’re ready for the next phase of your life
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- a time to pause reflect and heal. Release the burdens of the past
- Some of you may feel stagnant/ stuck
- you may have come very close to a wish fulfilment and yet you feel you are not there yet.
- feeling heartbroken about a situation/person but don’t worry this too shall pass. You are moving towards calmer waters
- you are asked to forgive yourself and others for any disappointments of the past
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you are in your peak and most authentic energy. Use this time to get to your goals in life
- you may seem detached and cold but there is a situation that needs you to be vulnerable and open about your feelings
- there is a new beginning in love for singles
- relationships will prosper and grow
- Your key word is ABUNDANCE
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you are walking away or already detached emotionally from a situation/ person in your life
- new beginnings in work. Also a very social time for you . Busy time ahead. Meeting many people
- you are/ could be meeting someone new or you are learning a new hobby or skill . This could also be finding out something, doing research on a topic, having a conversation with someone new etc
- someone is interested in you and are spying on you ( possible Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️)
- Big happy changes are in store
22nd January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ weekly tarot
- something may have felt like an ending. You feel drained out, exhausted or betrayed by someone maybe.
- the universe is asking you to heal. Everything is fine. Don’t worry. You are going to see a change of energy very soon. Things are going to move forward very quickly for you. Lot of success, travel and communication in store for you
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- you need to plan things carefully this week. Some of you are at a crossroad having to make a choice. Be practical with your decisions. You may also consult a friend/ family member to help you make plans for the future but make sure this person is someone who is practical and not emotional or biased in any way
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini weekly tarot
- you have been feeling a bit reserved lately. This could be a block in your heart chakra where you didn’t feel like sharing or being vulnerable. This maybe especially true when you were dealing with your loved ones. They may have noticed you holding back . Don’t worry, this is a phase . It will all work out by the end of the week. This is also true if you have had financial constraints. It will all work out
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ weekly tarot
Both personal life and career may feel a bit slow this week. There is a lot of hard work but you can’t rush against time. Take your time. The universe is asking you to wait this week and your patience will definitely pay off soon
20th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
If you have been feeling down and out about a missed opportunity or something that happened in the past then the universe is bringing justice to this situation. For some of you there is a feeling of something being unfair or someone you know who has treated you unfairly. This person is q possible Scorpio or a water sign - Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ or libra ♎️ . Karma will balance everything out so don’t worry. Stay positive
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is a new beginning after a ending. You may have made a judgment call to let go of a situation or a person and now something new is coming towards you. This new beginning (in love or career) is destined but don’t let other distractions to confuse or tempt you. Your mind is going in many directions which may cause inner conflict , fights with people or complications in a situation . Stay focused and stay grounded
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini
A past person is coming back into your life. This could be a childhood friend, acquaintance, a relative or a ex. Alternatively this could also be you spending a lot of time with a child and connecting with your inner child, reminiscing about the past and lot. A new beginning with this past person or is asking you to let go and take a leap of faith, be a bit adventurous and see where you go. But don’t think too much of it. This may not be a permanent or a long term association. So don’t immediately develop expectations. A stable energy is coming after a period of waiting but in the meanwhile, just enjoy the experience and go with the flow
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
I see you having a lot of options ( social invitations, friends, dating opportunities , family/ work obligations) . You are being pulled in all directions and a lot of forward movement and travel may happen soon. You will be busy. Some of you have walked away from someone or some situation that was not making you happy. I see a new beginning coming in . Money wise a very good time. Let go of things / people that don’t work out for you
19th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You seem to be very work focused. A lot happening for you at work which is taking your attention away from other things. The good news is that there is a lot of success coming in for you and many new opportunities too. The universe is confirming this by saying YES! This is your time .. so whatever you put your energy towards , be it work , a hobby or personal life, it will give you positive results. On a side note: if you have been feeling detached from someone there is a new beginning in this relationship that will happen soon . You could be dealing with a Possible air sign - Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is a choice or a decision to make. This is a important decision which needs a lot of planning and strategising but in your head you are probably feeling stuck, unsure of your choice and feeling very helpless about it. The universe is asking you to compromise and be firm and clear and confident of your choice.
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You are set to have a very good time both personally and financially. I see you being surrounded by family and loved ones and also a new beginning or opportunity in financial matters. This new opportunity is something small but will grow more abundantly in the future. However there is a energy of self sabotage. Don’t run away from offers because of fear or lack of confidence. Be wise , take your time to learn and master this field and success is guaranteed for you. On a side note: if you have young children/ child , pay attention to their behaviour. They are hiding something from you
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
I see many opportunities coming towards you in life - both love ₹ career but you’re first instinct is to reject or ignore it. Why? You seem disinterested or tired and are not even paying attention to these opportunities. Be careful because in the process of saying no, you maybe missing out on a golden opportunity. These new opportunities will be coming towards you now till the next few months. Be alert and stop self sabotaging your blessings
18th January 2024
Themes for each sign :
Aries ♈️: perfect timing
Taurus ♉️: success
Cancer ♋️: Trust
Gemini ♊️ : Romance
Leo ♌️: Wait
Virgo ♍️: No need to worry
Libra ♎️: Reconsider
Scorpio ♏️: Get more information
Sagittarius ♐️: No
Capricorn ♑️: within the next few weeks
Aquarius ♒️: opportunity
Pisces ♓️: listen to your intuition
17th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Your message for today is - don’t stop . I see you being very busy with your career or else you are very active in your community, family or social circle. Some of you are getting offers to collaborate with others and work together on something in which case the universe is asking you to keep going. Don’t stop
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- your message for today is not to worry but a choice you are making or about to make needs some reconsideration. You are heading towards a new direction. There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm but the universe wants you to be sure of your choice. Don’t let illusions cloud your judgment. You have many options as well but choose whatever is best for you and be practical in your approach
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you have a lot of abundance and blessings surrounding you but you need to believe you deserve these blessings. Your message for today is to have more faith and belief in your self. You are capable and special and abundant. Whatever you want will be yours and whatever you do will only grow and give you a lot of abundance and happiness. So have a little faith. You are clouded by your own fears right now
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Your life is going through a big change- internally or externally. You are closing out old patterns, finishing off past karma . You have had some difficult times in the past and the Universe is acknowledging that you have been through the wringer but time is never the same. Big changes are coming and your fortunes are going to smile at you. This change will not happen overnight. It is a wheel of time that has started turning in your favour. You will see positive changes happening through out the year and a year from now you won’t even recognise your life because that is how blessed you are going to be
16th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Your biggest challenge this week is to let go of things that are not working out. I see an ending , a change, a big shift in energy which will force you to release the burdens of the past. But you need to let things go. Your advice is to take help from others, collaborate with people and close out a cycle so that you can move towards the new. Release and let go
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Your biggest challenge is that you are not clear in your head, you have too many options and there are too many distractions. Some of you are only seeing a very rosy picture and not in tune with reality. Don’t get swayed from your goal. Your advice is to focus on the abundance you have and the good people in your life who love you else you will regret missing out on what you have for the illusions you have been chasing
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Your biggest challenge is a very rigid, stubborn person in your life . This could be a friend, particularly, family member or a boss . Working with this person on anything seems very challenging for you at this time. Your advice is to not dismiss everything that this person says or to take help from others and not dismiss any opportunity coming your way because one of those opportunities will help you lead a very independent life - financially and personally
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Your biggest challenge is to not rush into anything without thinking or speak carefully after giving it a thought. Impulsive decisions may lead to regret later. Your advice is to go slow and take one step forward at a time towards a new beginning and trust that everything will work out for you
15th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
This week is going to be a bit emotional for you. Brace yourself for some confusion, emotional ups and downs, anxiety and lack of clarity.
- some of you are dealing with a cancerian with whom you have had a lot of highs and lows lately
- the good news is that you are leaving behind all the uncertainty, uncomfortable energies and moving towards calmer waters
- by the end of the week you will be in a very practical energy and taking clear decisions and very much in control of your emotions
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- this week i see relationships will get better, both romantic or otherwise.
- a new stable beginning in love or career
- clarity and breakthroughs this week. You can also expect some clear communication or opportunity coming in for you
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- this week is a bit of a waiting game for you
- you are asked to be patient and take this opportunity to do more research, heal and learn from your past.
- the stability you expect will come. You will feel very balanced by the end of the week
- some of you are separated from your partner/ family member or friend but by the end of the week they will reach out to you or you will hear about them through someone else.
- this week you are asked to be patient and wait before jumping into situations blindly
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- recognition popularity fame victory either personally or professionally
- you will meet with someone who is on the same mental and intellectual level as you are. This is mostly at work where you will partner with someone and work very well with them
- some of you may have some disagreements on personal front with your partner spouse or friends or family members
- a big turning point in your life this week
13th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you have put in all the work now it is time to wait patiently for the rewards. It is coming soon
- spend some quality time with loved ones. Relationships will be happy and filled with love and togetherness this weekend
- singles should put yourself out there because there is a new beginning in love for you and you won’t find it by sitting at home
- overall a very stable prosperous energy in finances and family relationships
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- you are too focused on the past and past disappointments. Don’t keep looking back. You can’t change the past. Focus on the present opportunities
- a new opportunity is coming towards you
- expect a message from someone who is offering you a new beginning (in career or relationship)
- wishes are coming true. Even though you don’t see things happen, there is a lot happening behind the scenes
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you are very close to a wish being fulfilled
- relationship will bloom
- some challenges can create blocks but don’t give up and keep fighting these. You will overcome these challenges
- happy times ahead
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- expect a message from a Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- a good time to study something new or for research on something you are interested in
- don’t stress and overthink u necessarily
- there is balance and healing. Just go with the flow of things
12th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you are in a very successful phase of your life
- you will feel more passion and determination to follow your goals
- you will feel more confident about your self
- a lot of people admire you but a few also hate that you are more successful than they are. These people are jealous of what you have so protect yourself from such people. They will try to bring you down by false rumours or accusations. Don’t let them trigger you. Believe in your self
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- you maybe feeling a bit stuck between choices
- There is a path you want to choose but there maybe a lot of planning and strategising needed
- if you are confused about what decision to make, know that the Universe has your back. You are protected so be assured of your journey
- there’s something better coming your way soon
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- an offer is coming in ( love or career)
- could also be a apology
- if it is financial you will make a lot of money in the future through this
- if it is love, you are in the centre of attention and a lot of people are interested in you.
- the universe is reaffirming this with a YES card
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- end of a difficult cycle
- it is time to drop the baggage from your past
- new cycle begins
- after a difficult time, you are going towards a wish fulfilment
- listen to your intuition
11th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- some of you are being very impulsive in either making an offer or responding to a offer that’s made to you. The angels are saying NO . You are asked to take your time to think things through before you react impulsively
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- communication is going to be very important for some of you for the next few days. Especially if you are making an offer or suggestions or apologising to someone, make sure you are clear in your communication to avoid any misunderstanding
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you are asked to let go of any issues from the past. There is a brand new beginning and breakthrough coming towards you. This could also be some clear communication or opportunity. But for you to move forward you need to let go of the past
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- if you are fighting with someone or are having some conflict with another person, you are going to get a opportunity to sort it out. Some of you may also get a opportunity in your career or relationship but there is going to be some competition. Don’t give up though. Your determination is going to help you win in all situations
10th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- i see someone approaching you or coming into your life (either love or career or general). This person has or will offer something to you. You are asked to get more information before saying anything and also be assertive when it comes to what you know is right. Everything is or will go your way. You will be associating with someone who is good for you (personally or professionally) . Significant sign: Taurus ♉️
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- Big happy changes await you. Use logic and structure to increase your success and get more disciplined. An Aries ♈️ maybe significant
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- if you are struggling with something either personally or financially, you are advised to ask for help and assistance from others. Don’t let your ego prevent you from reaching out to people. Not a good time for career change. Be careful of your expenses
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you are going to be very busy for the next few weeks . You will be probably doing a lot of multitasking and handling many things at once. Try not to take stress about it. Expect some sudden changes to happen within the next few weeks
9th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ (quick messages)
- lot of abundance happiness clarity is coming towards you. There is a celebration happening soon. Remain positive
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ (Quick Messages)
- some of you are in two minds about a person or a situation . Your Angel message says NO
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️ (Quick messages)
- you are either thinking of taking a break from someone or for yourself . Health may also be causing a bit of problems ( emotional or physical) . Your angels are saying it’s perfect time to take a break and prioritise yourself
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ (Quick Messages)
- celebrating something soon. A happy occasion, a get together , buying a house, getting married, attending a wedding, reconciliation, you are going to be in a celebratory mood . Your angels say -
You have nothing to worry
8th January 2024
Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ the week ahead:
- you may have recently walked away or emotionally distanced yourself from someone or a situation or vice versa, someone walked away from you . I see you waiting for some forward movement or some good news which is coming soon
- a Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ person may have withdrawn their energy from you or vice versa. I see balance and healing in this situation.
- married folks are going to have some special moments with your family and partner. Some of you could be travelling for a vacation
- cancer taurus leo Sagittarius are going to be significant for you this week
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ week ahead
- manifestations coming true especially in relationships and work partnerships
- busy week at work. Your time and luck are both changing in terms of your finances
- sudden revelation or offer from someone is going to shock you
- some of you may also get to know something scandalous about a person you know
- Gemini Scorpio taurus are significant signs for you this week
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️ week ahead
- You may feel like nothing is moving ahead this week. A slow energy
- a particular aspect in your life may feel stuck/ stagnant but it just needs a perspective change or a different approach
- a lot of mental stagnancy this week. Some of you are gaining popularity and recognition but feel like you want to run away from everything and just be by yourself for a while
- pay attention to your health this week. Take a break if needed
- confused energy this week. Have multiple choices but feeling restricted energy wise or money wise
- Pisces ♓️ virgo ♍️ leo ♌️ could be significant signs this week
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ week ahead
- success is yours this week. Just be careful of not holding yourself back especially when you are being pushed forward
- pay attention to your finances. You may overspend
- a stable new offer is coming your way this week. You will receive communication soon ( love or career)
- some breakthroughs are happening this week which will make you very happy.
- cancer Leo are the significant signs this week
6th January 2024
Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you will be juggling too many things at a time. Try not to overcommit and try balance your time and energy equally
- whatever you have been waiting for is finally drawing to a conclusion. The wait is soon going to be over and you will be closing out this cycle and moving forward
- for some of you there is a very happy significant life event happening soon.
- trust your path. The universe has your back
-A taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ could be significant for you at this time
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- some of you are going to have to make a judgment call regarding a situation. This is about a relationship with family or friends or colleagues. You are making a judgment about them or taking a decision about your relationship with them
- some of you are going to realise or find out that some one you love or trusted were being petty, gossiping about you, spreading false rumours etc out of jealousy or immaturity.
- you are going to have a straight talk with them and put them in place or cut them off by walking away.
- karmic justice is yours. They are going to get karma for their behaviour too
- libra may be significant to you at this time
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you will have a busy weekend - working or socialising
- if you are single, you have an incoming romantic interest showing up soon
- at work your boss may give you a new opportunity or offer
- a Taurus ♉️ probably has a crush on you and may ask you out or this could be an apology
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you may feel a lack of money or confidence
- for some of you, there is a sense of feeling rejected by someone (work related or relationships)
- have faith in the universe. There is a new stable offer coming in soon
- you are going towards calmer waters and will feel better soon but try to balance your energy.
- money wise you are soon going to have multiple opportunities
5th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- a very confident phase where you will be passionate and driven to achieve your goals
- some of you may be at a crossroads about a choice or a decision. Plan and strategise carefully before you decide
- some of you need to release some baggage from the past because you are being blocked by your in ability to let go.
- a Pisces may be significant
- chances of some financial loss . But keep working harder and you will get help with money
- some of you are feeling rejected by someone or generally in life. Don’t let your mind veer towards the negative
Earth 🌍 signs Taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- money is going to be flowing in. If this is not money, this is a stable situation with family and spending time together which is making you very happy
- some of you have a choice to make in love between 2 people or you may have a choice to make with regards to the future of a existing relationship
- i see a lot of anxiety and stress over a situation that has kept you stagnant. You want a way out but are feeling stuck in many ways
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- happiness and abundance coming your way
- clarity in situations
- a ending and a new beginning. Transformation and change
- some one who is very in & out is coming back in . Be careful this person is a trickster. They say something but their actions indicate something else (Gemini or a fire 🔥 sign)
- a new beginning in a relationship is coming for singles (Aries energy)
Water 💧 signs Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you maybe feeling a bit stressed about a mother figure ( maybe your mom or wife or a friend) or maybe your relationship with someone is a bit stressful for you at this time
- feeling a loss or missing someone. You may be at a crossroads wondering if you should move on or stay or how to proceed further
- there is balance and healing on all levels in your life. Lot of abundance and prosperity. Some of you trying to get pregnant may get a happy news
4th January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you need to focus on clear thinking and clarity in communication.
- i see that this will bring a lot of sudden insights and solutions to stagnant situations
- there is communication coming in from someone
- i see a lot of abundance happiness clarity for you in the immediate future . Good sunny days ahead
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- you need to focus on taking some action right now because you have either been hesitant or fearful
- i see a fire sign Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ being significant in some way
- you may also receive some offer from a fire sign
- you are leaving behind something difficult and going towards calmer waters but for that you need to take action to move forward
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- you need to focus on your intuition. Your inner voice is trying to tell you or warn you about something. Don’t ignore it.
- you also need to stay quiet and not let some people’s behaviour effect you . I see some pettiness with people around you and some gossip, back bitching and petty fights. You are advised to just let them be and keep your distance from them so that you are not dragged into their pettiness.
- this situation will eventually subside and you and this person will reconcile your differences soon
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- what you need to focus on right now is your own feelings and happiness. What makes you happy? Is it a person? A hobby? Travel? Spirituality? Your job? Your family? Whatever you do , open your self to love , both from your self and others.
- for some of you there is a new beginning in love
- some others of you are going to be spending a lot of time with your children or a child
- happy times ahead
3rd January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ quick messages
- you are asked to speak up and do so clearly. Some of you are either hiding a part of yourself or are not being honest and open about your thoughts and feelings. Show the world the real you. You will be surprised at how many people relate to what you have to say. Communicate clearly
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ quick messages
- something in your life is approaching a quick conclusion. This is going to happen soon. There is a closure and also an opportunity in this situation. If you are confused, meditate and ask your angels for a sign. Don’t miss out on this hidden opportunity that the universe is granting you
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️ quick messages
- a sudden unexpected opportunity will soon knock on your door and when it comes, take action. You may hesitate to accept because this is something out of your comfort zone but what lies ahead is prosperity and abundance. So choose a new direction
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ quick messages
- something you thought is over is not really that. You see something as a rejection but the universe is only trying to redirect you towards a new path and your destiny. Change your perspective, choose a new direction because there is a new start coming. Nothing is yet set in stone so keep an open mind. Big happy changes are in store for you
2nd January 2024
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ - weekly tarot message
- some travel could happen this week
- you are leaving behind a difficult energy and moving towards a calmer energy.
- a week of transformation and challenges (big or small)
- don’t be so hard on yourself or others. Don’t be so critical of things that didn’t work out for you
- renewal of something significant
- someone from your past is coming back ( could be a friend, a ex, a relative)
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ Weekly Tarot message
- you maybe feeling a bit low, disappointed, neglected, lack of finances
- someone from your past is coming back to help you with this situation or just to reconcile
- you will be very guarded when this person returns because they are someone who has hurt you in the past and you don’t trust them
- your advice is to go slow this week and take your time with people or situations
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Weekly tarot
- some new opportunity or offer is on its way to you but you may have to sacrifice something for it and may feel stuck wondering if you should or should not
- you may have to make a choice and will try to overcommit so that you don’t have to choose this or that but if you don’t make a choice, the universe will force it on you and it will be sudden and unexpected
- i see some confusion about this choice and temptations to look at other options. Try to stay focused on your long term goals and plans
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Weekly tarot
- you maybe in a very mysterious energy this week . Keeping a lot of things within. You may come across as being detached emotionally
- i see good amount of money flowing in . If not money, this is about spending quality time with family
- listen to your intuition
- i see you meeting a lot of people, friends, social groups.
- some of you may face some challenges within your inner circle of friends/ relatives. Be patient and strong and don’t let this get to you
1st January 2024
Monthly tarot reading for Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You have been waiting for something to turn around in relationships or career and the wait is over! Especially with your finances January is going to be a splendid month. Busy work times ahead but you will also reap the rewards of your efforts. Abundance!
Monthly tarot reading for Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
You will be independent financially. If you are in business or a freelancer especially, you will do well. Even otherwise, i see a month of luxurious indulgences. Karmic balance and rewards are yours. Karma favours you. You will feel everything is finally balancing itself out. You will have a lot of options in every aspect of your life. Just be careful of being confused about these options.
Monthly tarot reading for Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Best month ever! Celebrations with friends, family, social life is booming. Celebrations all around you. Relationships look good too. Some of you are taking your relationship forward or meeting a special someone. A shocking change that is happening is for singles who are going to be swept off their feet by a love interest. Wow! Have a fabulous month!
Monthly tarot reading for Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Fame recognition popularity is in store for some of you. You are in the spotlight. Everyone is noticing you and a lot of attention is on you this month. Some of you may find all this sudden attention a bit overwhelming and may just retreat in a shell . But your wishes are coming true. Look at things from a different perspective and enjoy all the attention rather than running away from it. I see a passionate new beginning by the end of the month in love or career. Just take care of your health this month