Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- if you feel stagnant, you need to change your perspective on this situation and adopt a different approach. This time is for healing emotionally physically and spiritually.
- Let go of the past baggage
- you could be dealing with a Pisces ♓️
- take care of your health ( mental and physical)
- some of you need to prioritise yourself first
- some of you need a vacation
- a new beginning is coming. Take a leap of faith and don’t doubt this
- your manifestations are coming true very soon
- karma is on your side.
- you will get a favourable news in a legal situation
- there is balance and fairness in your life
- the universe affirms the above message with a YES. If you had a question in mind, the answer is YES
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- some of you need to hold on to your money. You could be spending a lot
- this financial pinch is temporary and things will come to a place of balance soon
- some of you have a blocked heart chakra. You have been keeping your feelings to your self. It is important for you to heal and be balanced
- you may hear some gossip about some person you care about. This could also be someone approaching you and initiating a conversation.
- a good time to learn something new
- emotionally you seem tired and disinterested. Whatever is s being offered to you, there is a lack of interest from your side. Stop living in the past and don’t carry regrets. You need to be in the present. Be grateful for what you have
- look for a sign and remain positive
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- healing ( physically emotionally spiritually)
- travel opportunities
- communication from a Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ or someone younger and child like
- relationship look good but there is some behaviour that is breaking your heart. This could be a past energy also especially if you are single, in which case you need to heal from the past before going towards a new beginning
- partnerships in business are thriving but be careful of some third party trying to create problems in business. This person is a bad influence and corrupt
- you maybe very confused about some situation. You are asked to listen to your inner voice
- you are asked to let go of something or someone and reconsider something
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you may choose to be by yourself, isolated from everyone. This could be because of some challenges you have been facing. Don’t spend your time with past regrets . You can still salvage the current situation. Not everything is lost
- some of you are stressed dealing with a Aquarius or someone who seems detached cold and very practical ( could be a boss or someone you are dealing with professionally) . Some of you are overthinking and anxious and need to talk to a counsellor or a doctor
- some of you are stuck in a situation where there is a lot of conflict or a third party interference. You feel betrayed by someone but you will heal. There is a ending but you are rising out of this situation like a phoenix
- be assertive
- choose a new direction
- its up to you