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Weekly Tarot Messages - 12th to 18th August 2024

Weekly Tarot Messages for Aries Leo Sagittarius

- this week you will be in the spotlight. Fame, success, recognition. You will be appreciated by those around you. You will be in the centre of attention for some reason

- a good time to study, learn something new or do some research. Some of you may start something new but you may not have much experience in it . New job or project maybe? You will learn on the job

- healing your inner self. A deeply spiritual time. You may just want to be alone and focus on yourself. Listen to your intuition. Some of you may think of consulting and astrologer or tarot reader.

- wishes coming true

- Pisces or Aquarius maybe significant

- end of a difficult cycle. You are releasing some past baggage and going towards something new

Taurus Virgo Capricorn

Weekly Tarot Messages

- a lot of things happening at once. Try not to be too overwhelmed by the flurry of activity. Go with the flow.

- incoming communication, success, travel

- someone may send you a romantic message ( possible Pisces cancer Scorpio)

- you may feel stuck stagnant in a situation but remember that this is just a mental stagnation. You are not really stuck. You can make a choice anytime and free yourself from this stagnancy

- you may feel challenged or blocked by people around you. Stand up for yourself and don't compromise if you believe in something.

- you are good enough

Aquarius Libra Gemini

Weekly Tarot Messages

- it is time to release negativity

- you are finally seeing the red flags in a situation and making a judgement call to end something.

- For some others you have been running away from some truth and the universe is going to force you to face this reality head on and make a decision regarding this

- there is something you are juggling with. Could be a decision or a choice. listen to your intuition on this

- if you have been feeling stagnant, things are going to move forward in your favour

- good luck, good news coming in, prosperity and abundance

- you are going from slow to fast. Whatever was stagnant will now start to move very quickly. So get ready

- you may have to make some quick decisions and act before it is too late

Pisces Cancer Scorpio

Weekly Tarot Messages

- being reclusive this week, focusing on yourself, going away by yourself, taking a social media break

- manifesting a new beginning or opportunity. Ready for a new adventure

- running away from communicating with someone. Running away from the madness around you. Running away from people or not wanting to deal with people in general

- going towards a wish fulfilment. Feeling grounded and stable by the end of the week.

- going to a beach maybe

- expect powerful change


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